Ensar Demir, Ali Çimen

Istanbul Aydın University Faculty Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, food allergy, major depressive disorder, quality of life


Food allergies are the hypersensitivity reactions of our body against food by means of immune system. They should not be confused with reactions known as “food intolerance” where an allergen and hypersensitivity reaction are not involved. Food allergy can affect many organs and systems in the body. Itching, burning, redness, urticaria (hives), nasal obstruction, sneezing, watery eyes and anaphylaxis are the symptoms of general reaction. Contrary to popular belief, food allergy is a problem not only for children and adolescents but also for adults. The question of whether these reactions affecting many organs and systems is a direct cause or predisposition factor for psychiatric disorders has been the subject of many studies for many years. Major depressive disorder, bipolar personality disorder, panic attack, anxiety and social phobia are just a few of these diseases. Food allergy reduces the quality of life of the individual. Therefore the nutrients and allergic reactions they cause during the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are of great importance.

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